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Tag: politics

Review: Brandon Sanderson’s “Words of Radiance”

I first read The Way of Kings, the opening book in Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive, way back in 2015. I had a mixed reaction and decided not to continue with the series. Then, as Sanderson published subsequent installments over the next decade, several friends whose reading preferences overlap strongly with mine began to rave about […]

SNQ: Yuval Noah Harari’s “Nexus”

Summary: Like all his previous books, Yuval Noah Harari’s Nexus deploys the lens of history to sharpen our view of the present. Focusing on the historical trends and current states of global information networks, Harari demonstrates the dangerous half-truths that arise from flawed theories of information. He also presents his own theory that information networks […]

Review: Percival Everett’s “James”

Percival Everett’s James invites readers to explore a bold new retelling of Mark Twain’s classic, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Written from the perspective of Jim, the runaway slave who accompanies Huck on his journey down the Mississippi River, James examines the ethics and trauma of antebellum American slavery with a literary brute force that defies its source material.     This is […]

Review: Ilona Andrews’s “Innkeeper Chronicles,” Books 1-5

At some point in our lives, most people begin to dream of finding their forever home. We think about what it might look and feel like, how we will arrange the space, how we’ll entertain loved ones, and how we will create a safe haven from which to launch ourselves out in the world when […]

SNQ: Jonathan Haidt’s “The Anxious Generation”

Summary: Jonathan Haidt’s The Anxious Generation is a masterful and urgently important work of nonfiction. It tells the story of how, starting in the early 2010s, the “phone-based childhood” began to radically transform the lives of young people around the world. Haidt calls this “The Great Rewiring of Childhood”––an event which he identifies as the primary cause […]

SNQ: Coleman Hughes’s “The End of Race Politics”

Summary: Coleman Hughes’s The End of Race Politics is a double-barreled, sawed-off shotgun of a book. Its modest page-count shortens both barrels, but they still pack a punch at close range. The shell in the first barrel contains arguments in favor of Hughes’s “colorblind principle,” which impels us to “treat people without regard to race, both in […]

SNQ: Bruce D. Perry and Maia Szalavitz’s “The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog”

Summary: Bruce D. Perry and Maia Szalavitz’s The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog is a harrowing yet hopeful examination of childhood trauma and its consequences. Presented as a series of real-life clinical narratives backed by scientific research, Perry and Szalavitz tell the story of how Perry learned to care for some of the least fortunate […]

SNQ: Joe Abercrombie’s “Last Argument of Kings”

Summary: Joe Abercrombie’s Last Argument of Kings is the third and final book in The First Law Trilogy. As the Union’s war in the north continues to rage, Logen Ninefingers is reunited with the Dogman and his other companions, who have joined forces with Collem West. Meanwhile, intrigue in Adua heats up as a new king is crowned and […]

SNQ: Joe Abercrombie’s “Before They Are Hanged”

Summary: Joe Abercrombie’s Before They Are Hanged is the middle book in The First Law Trilogy. As Collem West enters a bitter war in the north for the Union’s holdings in Angland, Sand dan Glokta is sent to the southern port of Dagoska to root out a conspiracy and coordinate the city’s defense against the Gurkish Emperor’s […]

SNQ: David Brooks’s “How to Know a Person”

Summary: The purpose of David Brooks’s How to Know a Person is to help readers learn to become “Illuminators,” which he defines as folks who “have a persistent curiosity about other people” and are experts in “the craft of understanding others” (13). In service of this goal, Brooks explores his personal history, the life stories of other […]