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Tag: psychology

Quotes 4-21-2015

“Memories? They towered over everything else. Yet he could not understand them. He could not understand the details. He could not even understand the emotions, except as inane simplifications––joy, laughter, wonder, fear and icy-steel determination. Now, he was lost in those memories, wandering like an idiot in a cathedral. Not understanding, cowering before icons.” ––A […]

Review: Max More and Natasha Vita-More’s “The Transhumanist Reader”

Max More and Natasha Vita-More’s The Transhumanist Reader is probably the single best source for readers interested in a crash course in transhumanist philosophy. It presents more than forty essays addressing myriad aspects of transhumanist theory, with a good mixture of classic (i.e. pre-21st-century) papers and contemporary ones. It is a dense text containing a […]

Review: Robert A. Heinlein’s “Starship Troopers”

There are plenty of reasons why I should hate (or at least vehemently dislike) Robert A. Heinlein’s Starship Troopers, but I was surprised by this novel’s ability to ingratiate itself to me despite propounding a set of perspectives and values that seem anathema to mine. I am neither a military enthusiast nor a scholar of […]

Quotes 4-14-2015

“The root of our morale is: ‘Everybody works, everybody fights.’ An M. I. doesn’t pull strings to get a soft, safe job; there aren’t any. Oh, a trooper will get away with what he can; any private with enough savvy to mark time to music can think up reasons why he should not clean compartments […]

Quotes 4-10-2015

“The mind’s a weird piece of business.” ––Runaway: Stories, by Alice Munro, pg. 308   “If you can accept that a person without a penis can peaceably live life as they please (including as a man), then you should be able to accept that a person without a physical form can peaceably live life as […]

Journal #42: Coping with Climate Change

When I decided to move back to Humboldt after returning from Japan in summer 2013, I was motivated by several different factors. One of the most influential was my growing trepidation about the problem of climate change, which birthed in me a desire to settle myself in a strong community and start learning about sustainable […]

Quotes 3-19-2015

“Grandmother was rigorous and unswerving. It was her belief in the value of effort itself that prevented her from buying a television set. She was a passionate reader, and she thought that reading was one of the noblest efforts of all; in contrast, she found writing to be a great waste of time––a childish self-indulgence, […]

Quotes 3-5-2015

“Joe said plaintively, ‘But what will I do here alone?’ Samuel was silent for a moment. Then he said, ‘Joe, do you love me?’ ‘Why, sure.’ ‘If you heard I’d committed some great crime would you turn me over to the police?’ ‘What are you talking about?’ ‘Would you?’ ‘No.’ ‘All right then. In my […]

Review: Walter Sinnott-Armstrong’s “Moral Psychology, Volume 4”

This fourth volume in Walter Sinnott-Armstrong’s Moral Psychology series is my favorite thus far. The issues of free will and moral responsibility have received so much attention lately––both from the academic community and the popular press––that it can be difficult to find sources that approach these topics with the rigor and nuance they require. Readers […]

Review: Nick Bostrom’s “Superintelligence”

The idea of artificial superintelligence (ASI) has long tantalized and taunted the human imagination, but only in recent years have we begun to analyze in depth the technical, strategic, and ethical problems of creating as well as managing advanced AI. Nick Bostrom’s Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies is a short, dense introduction to our most cutting-edge […]