Quotes 1-4-2016

by Miles Raymer

“Sirs, he said, our lust is brief. We are means to those small creatures within us and nature has other ends than we.”

––Ulysses, by James Joyce, pg. 387


“The fight for a national health care system today is not basically different than the struggle for universal public education that took place in this country over a hundred years ago. At that time, children of the well-to-do received an education, and a tremendous advantage in life. Most of the children of working people and the poor did not. Finally, after enormous struggle, our society concluded that all children, regardless of income, were entitled to at least a high school education. Some day we will also accept that all people, regardless of income, are entitled to health care.

The fact that the United States continues to be the only major nation in the industrialized world without a national health care system should be a source of national shame.”

––Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders and Huck Gutman, pg. 218