Quotes 10-8-2015

by Miles Raymer

“Heaven have mercy on us all––Presbyterians and Pagans alike––for we are all somehow dreadfully cracked about the head, and sadly need mending.”

––Moby-Dick, by Herman Melville, pg. 76


“Suppose we were to tell our boys that they have the same opportunity in their lifetimes to expand the social and economic roles for men in the same way their mothers and sisters expanded the roles for women? That they could take the definition of masculinity into their own hands and bend it in whatever direction they chose? The biggest unconquered world open to men is the world of caring for others. If we tell boys that they can break down centuries-old barriers and be pioneers of social change, suddenly they have a mission, an inspiration, and a new kind of role model to emulate––a new definition of a good man.”

––Unfinished Business: Women, Men, Work, Family, by Anne-Marie Slaughter, pg. 138-9