Quotes 4-10-2015

by Miles Raymer

“The mind’s a weird piece of business.”

––Runaway: Stories, by Alice Munro, pg. 308


“If you can accept that a person without a penis can peaceably live life as they please (including as a man), then you should be able to accept that a person without a physical form can peaceably live life as they please (including as a human). Can you accept that someone is not automatically passive, or evil, or dumb simply because they have a vagina instead of a penis? Then you should be able to accept that someone is not automatically passive, or evil, or dumb simply because they have a software mind instead of a flesh-based one. Personhood is about equity, not equipment.”

–– “Mind is Deeper Than Matter: Transgenderism, Transhumanism, and the Freedom of Form,” by Martine Rothblatt, The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future, eds. Max More and Natasha Vita-More, pg. 319